A common question posed to our Canley Heights Tutors is regarding how early should they should enrol their child in tutoring. Of course, education is a very important aspect of life and to be honest, there has never been a greater time to enrol than now. Why? Because using Canley Heights Tutors will expose your child to disciplinary learning and self-motivation at a very young age. It is much difficult to tutor a child that has already developed bad habits, so early learning is always recommended.
In this day and age, it is very common for parents to enrol their children into our Canley Heights Tutors program. Considering how competitive education has become, more and more parents, are trying to grab any advantage possible by attending tutoring classes as of Kindergarten.
If you are unsure, we would highly recommend that you speak to one of our friendly staff or Canley Heights Tutors for a possible Diagnostic Test, to examine your child’s learning proficiencies and how he/she compares to the general cohort.
Fortunately, we have qualified NAPLAN test markers, meaning we have a very deep understanding of what the standards are on a state level. A great point to start, is to perhaps monitor your child’s school reports and NAPLAN test results to see how they compare.
We offer everything from Maths Tutoring to English Tutoring and even Private Tutoring One and One.